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Tuesday, 14 October 2008

An Old-Fashioned Arrangement - reading group questions

I see that other writers list discussion ideas for book groups so, tentatively, I've suggested a few possibilities:

Some readers have enjoyed this book as an amusing escapist romantic thriller. Others consider it is about the precarious position of the trailing spouse. What do you think?

Kim makes some morally ambiguous decisions. But she redeems herself in the end. What do you think of her second major moral choice?

Even if few would go as far as Kim, do some widowed or divorced mothers still re-marry for security as much as love? Even today, is the need for security still a basic female instinct?

A mother will do anything for her child - do you agree? Would it be more difficult for a young single woman back home to understand Kim's position?

Is Kim’s initial isolation due to the effect of constant travel or her lack of family, or both? Can you empathise when she says she carries her shell around with her?

One reader thought Mark should have done more to help. Why can’t he?

The book is also about a man who adores women. We women instantly recognise these charming, warm-hearted but unfaithful men. What would you do if you were married to a man like Henri?